2% Discount on iPad Mini 4 - Get it online today and Save money!
2% Discount on iPad Mini 4 - Get it online today and Save money!
£399.00 £389.97

NHS Discount Offers have found a great deal if your looking for the iPad Mini 64gb. There is currently 2% discount when you purchase the iPad from or if you use Argos NHS discounts.

All NHS Employees should be issued with one of these! If you have never had an iPad Min then your missing out. They are well built and very pleasant on the eye. The iPad lets you can manage all your emails, watch videos, use your favourite apps (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc), play games, take pictures, manage your music plus much more!

The new mini ipad now supports Apple pencil which can make things a whole lot easier! For the full details of this offer check out the link above.

It is simple and easy to set up and you can be using it in minutes out of the box. So don’t miss out get an iPad Mini today with 2% Discount. Make sure you also tell all your NHS colleagues about this great offer so they don’t miss out.

2% Discount on iPad Mini 4 - Get it online today and Save money!
2% Discount on iPad Mini 4 - Get it online today and Save money!
£399.00 £389.97


9.5 Total Score
Best iPad out there!

This is a deal not to be missed and make sure you share with colleagues!

User Rating: 1.94 (49 votes)
Steven Jones
Steven Jones

I am a former police officer of 16 years experience. I now try and find ways to help people who work in the emergency services to save money, be that via discounts of offers from well known UK brands. Feel free to contact me via email, or take a look at my Linkdin profile.

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