Expires 25/01/2025
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Expires 31/01/2025
Expires 31/01/2025
Expires 31/01/2025
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Expires 03/02/2025
Expires 03/02/2025
Expires 14/02/2025
Expires 14/02/2025
Expires 14/02/2025
Expires 14/02/2025
What is the Boots 70% sale?
The Boots 70% off sale is an in store only sale that typically takes place in January and includes gifts from Christmas at 70% off. Remaining gift sets and products launched for Christmas can be found in stores at a great sale price.
When is the next Boots 70% sale?
Boots don’t usually announce the exact dates of the next 70% off sale. Based on previous year sale dates, you can expect the sale to launch during the last week in January. We will post an update here closer to the time, once the exact date of the next 70% off sale at Boots has been announced. Alternatively, you can also keep an eye out on the Boots website and their social media pages on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with any news about the 70% off sale.
What is usually in the Boots 70% off sale?
The products in the Boots 70% off sale vary every year and you’ll find different bargains at every store. As the 70% off sale is an in store only sale, the products in the sale depend entirely on stock levels at each Boots store.
Based on the Boots 70% off sale in previous years we can have an idea about the type of products you can expect to find. Gift sets and Christmas gifts seem to be the easiest to find and get your hands on. You also might be able to secure a bargain with selected skincare, fragrance and makeup gifts.
Previously, people have been able to find some of their favourite brands in the sale including Benefit, Lynx, No7 and Jack Wills. Although these brands aren’t guaranteed to feature in the next sale.
How can I get the best out of the Boots 70 sale?
Keep an eye on starting date
Make sure you keep checking for a confirmed date to ensure you don’t miss out on the first day of the sale. Most of the best bargains will go on the first day so try to get to a Boots store the day the sale starts.
Plan in advance
Try to think about what items you want to find. Once you have a plan in place, you are less likely to get caught up looking for items you don’t want. You’ll be able to quickly visit the sections of most interest to you and increase your chances of finding what you want.
Get there early
As this is an in store only sale, it’s on a first come first served basis. Make sure you know what time the store you are planning on visiting opens and plan to get there early enough. Many people queue to get into Boots on the first day of the sale to take that into account when planning your visit.
Consider visiting other Boots stores
If the first Boots store you visit is poor on sale stock, feel free to leave and visit another store. Some stores will have more stock than others so don’t waste your time if a store is looking empty.
Pick up everything you are considering purchasing
If you think you might like to purchase something, keep hold of it. There’s nothing worse than missing out on a sale item because you take time to decide. You can always put back items you no longer want before you get to the tills.
Make use of the Boots advantage card
If you regularly shop at Boots, you might already have a Boots advantage card. Advantage cards offer exclusive deals and will also allow you to earn points on every purchase. Then when you have enough points, you can then convert those points to in store credit to save even more money.
Expired 23/01/2025
Expired 21/01/2025