Pizza Hut NHS Discount – Health care staff 25% off

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I have written for a number of online publications and enjoy looking for ways to help people save money in the UK. Feel free to contact me for any feedback or correspondence via email, or follow on Twitter or take a look at my Linkdin profile.

  1. Thank you very much

    • Reply
      NHS DISCOUNT OFFERS 6th April 2020 at 7:17 pm

      All codes have been sent. If your having trouble receiving the code please check you junk email. Thanks.

  2. Great service

  3. Thank you

  4. Reply
    Lady sevilay Brooks 31st March 2020 at 10:23 am

    Thank you for helping out NHS ans all who are still working.

  5. Reply
    Lady sevilay Brooks 31st March 2020 at 10:24 am

    Thank you for your help.

  6. Thankyou

  7. Thank you for helping nhs staff in this difficult time

  8. Thank you

  9. Thank you for appreciating the hard work of the NHS.

  10. Thanks. Finally got my voucher. Ca t use till friday evening though so hope it’s not expired by then!

    • Reply
      NHS DISCOUNT OFFERS 6th April 2020 at 7:13 pm

      Hi Lyn,

      Sorry about the delay. It is a single use code vaild until you use it. Hope you enjoy. Thanks.

  11. HI. How long does it take to receive the code?

  12. Are Pizza Hut still offering 50% discount?

  13. thank you pizza hut

  14. I have not received my code, please can you help?

  15. Thank you for offer.
    Tip – in my Trust we had to use Firefox to get the pop up window, it didn’t work on Internet Explorer.

    • Reply
      NHS DISCOUNT OFFERS 6th July 2020 at 9:01 pm

      Thanks for the info. Sometimes if you press f5 that just refreshes the browser and allows you to see the page correctly.

  16. Hi I didnt recieve a code on the pop up,

  17. hi
    I am nhs worker, but when click on reveal code , nothing pop up.

    • Reply
      NHS Discount Offers 27th July 2020 at 1:04 pm

      Please press F5 to refresh the page. You can also you another internet browser. If you use your mobile phone, it should work.

  18. Hello,
    I am an NHS worker but I am unable to access the code. When I click on “reveal code”, the page refreshers but doesn’t show a discount code. I have also tried pressing F5 to refresh the page but the same thing happens.
    Can you advise please?

    • The pop ups are working. The only thing I can suggest is that you use a different browser to get the pop to work. Thanks.

  19. I cant get code – is this for real?

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NHS Discount Offers